目前分類:AI Life / 人工智慧生活 (4)

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AI 工具正在顛覆全世界,這篇文章介紹想學程式語言(Programming Languages)的人,可以善用 ChatGPT 工具進行互動式、客製化學習。雖然標題是學習  Python 程式語言,但是此篇文章的方法適用於各種程式語言的學習,只要你學會了互動方式,便能善用此工具讓自己快速提升程式設計能力,完全不用補習班,也不用家教,更不用買電腦書籍了 (!!! 真的嗎? ~~~ 拭目以待~~~ 我也不敢保證 )。

請 ChatGPT 家教 耐心教你寫 Python 程式 [

下圖給各位第一個範例,就是如果你想學任何程式語言,都可以從這個問答互動開始,因為 ChatGPT/ChatGPT-4o 一定會給你類似 Hello World 的基礎範例,我以前大一開始學程式的時候,也都是這個範例開始喔! 另一個要注意的事情是,你可以用中文問答,也可以用英文問答,我通常會讓我的小孩先用中文問答,如果你的英文也沒有太差,我建議可以直接用英文問答,幾個理由;第一,用英文互動速度比較快,因為他不用轉換語言,因此通常反應速度會快一點。第二,剛好可以順便練習英文的寫與讀,如果你還有時間,還可以請他讀出聲音,可以練習英聽,哈~~一舉多得。

請 ChatGPT 家教 耐心教你寫 Python 程式 [


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AI 工具的快速發展,已經開始顛覆翻轉人類的工作與生活模式。ChatGPT 與 ChatGPT-4o 版本已經具備非常多好用的功能,其中一項超可怕的功能就是個人學習助理的功能,他能教妳很多知識與技能,只要你懂得跟他相處。



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Recently, AI tools have been released one after another. There are many free and paid tools. About a while ago, ChatGPT-4o was released. This is the newest version of ChatGPT. I have watched foreign official videos, which show a variety of very attractive tools. The artificial intelligence function also attracted me to pay to upgrade, use it early and test its various functions. For me, a person who is involved in the field of AI all over the world, this upgrade test is very important because I can know the latest Development, and those deficiencies found can be immediately used in your own research and development site

What!!! ~~ ChatGPT-4o solved t

Two days ago, when I was checking my daughter's math homework in the fifth grade, on a whim, I took a picture of a question with my mobile phone (I asked a simple calculation question) to test whether the new function he released was stable and easy to use, but after the test, I discovered that the answer given to me by ChatGPT-4o was wrong, which gave me goosebumps immediately, because if I just let my daughter directly use ChatGPT to teach her math problems, then I will let my daughter become less good as she learns? I write this article to share this experience with you and give you some suggestions on how to use AI tools more appropriately.

The picture below shows that I was taking a photo of a math problem with my mobile phone and sending it to ChatGPT-4o, asking him to help solve the problem. The question is actually not difficult, because it is a mixture of time subtraction, multiplication, and division. My daughter can solve it by herself, but I helped her confirm whether the answer is correct, because it is an assignment given by the school and she did not have the answer.  I helped to identify and teach her the wrong questions she did.


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近年來AI工具陸陸續續發表,不管是免費或是付費工具超多,大約兩周前,剛好 ChatGPT-4o發表,這是最新版本的 ChatGPT,看過國外官方發表的影片,裡面秀了多種非常吸引人的人工智慧功能,因此也吸引了我去付費升級,及早使用並測試他的各項功能,對於我這個整天都在AI領域打滾的人來說,這個升級測試非常重要,因為可以知道現在最新的發展,並發現那些不足之處,可當作自己的研究開發議題。

前兩天,我在幫我國小五年級的女兒檢查數學作業時,心血來潮,隨手用手機拍了一題(我挑了簡單的計算題)來測試看看他發表新的功能到底是否穩定與好用,但是測試完之後,我竟然發現 ChatGPT-4o 給我的答案是錯誤的,讓我頓時起雞皮疙瘩,因為,如果我就這樣讓我的女兒直接使用 ChatGPT 來教他數學解題,那我女兒是否會越學越不會? 寫這個文章跟大家分享一下這個經驗,並給大家一些建議,該怎麼使用AI工具比較適合。

AI ChatGPT-4o 解小五數學題目 ~~ 答案竟然是

下圖是我隨手用手機拍一題數學題目,並傳給 ChatGPT-4o,請他幫忙解題。題目其實不難,因為這是時間的減法、乘法、與除法混和在一起的題目,我女兒自己可以解出來,只是我會幫她確認答案是否正確,因為這是學校給的作業,他沒有答案,我會幫忙確認並教他解錯的題目。


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